benar-benar hidup , hidup benar-benar


Kobukuro dan hati

Banyak sekali lagu-lagu Kobukuro yang menyentuh hati gue. Sangat!

Seperti sekarang ini, gue baru menyadari kalo lagu yang gue donlot beberapa minggu yang lalu, alangkah amat indah dan sedihnya. Yaitu lagunya コブクロ - STAY (yang katakana dibaca : Kobukuro)

Gue baru mendengarnya benar2 adalah tadi. Dan lagunya daleeem banget as usual mnurut gue. Karena nadanya yang khas Kobukuro banget, alhasil gue jatuh cinta ama lagu ini


Lovable people and past meetings, everything is lost
In the desert-like heart, the blooming flower yearns for love

By just believing in each other, a path is born
Snuggling together, Hurting together, those days were lovely

After we suffered, didn't we had happy meetings as well?
With these arms that couldn't protect from anything, I hugged you closely

When I expected we would never meet again, you call my name
When I turn around, there is no one there
What I heard was surely
Just in my heart, Always just in my heart

I lost something from that day until now
Because it is inside your whole self, While sorting on this road(?)

If you were to walk with with me, I will
be returning us to that time, piece by piece

If you accept me, It looks like we can live together once again
Like this completely changed town, return the heart back into a desert

Even if appointments and promises are not kept,
I'll still be here on this street
And if by chance, we meet a second time, it's fate
Always, the one who taught me that was you

Despite the once sparkling memories fading away,
Your smile will still rise to the surface
On that idle wind under the willow tree,
distant feelings blur time

When I expected we would never meet again, you call my name
When I turn around, there is no one there
What I heard was surely
Just in my heart, Always just in my heart

You are not on this street, or anywhere else, but
even understanding that, i want to feel
This flower until it withers

Bukan cuma STAY yang membuat gue berkaca-kaca. Ini potongan dari lagu-lagu kobukuro yang pada saat gue mendengar liriknya, gue berkaca-kaca hampir menangis

Aoku Yasashiku

The heart's cry can't be heard by anyone
So smile, let your tears fall
and let yourself shine

I'm searching for myself,
even if its similar to someone else's,
something is definitely different, that can't be heard by anyone
That's why I want to search for it!

The sky seems more blue and gentle now then before
What might I have forgotten?
What might I have remembered?
What might I have discovered?
The sky i strongly trust in is much bluer than that day,
The road that i couldn't advance on, where is it now..

The me from long ago, has always been waiting
from the bottom of my heart
Would you listen to my little tale?
Would you mind if we took a short rest?


On the verge of dropping, once more the re-opening petals, like you,
gave time and again silent encouragement to these hands

vanishing and blooming, this year too the flower bud is waiting for me
even now i still can't catch the dreams you painted
stopping right beside me
opening gracefully just like a smile, i keep looking for the flower bud, in the sky

Kalo yang Tsubomi gue menangis karena terharu melihat videonya juga. Hiks :"(

Toki no Ashioto

"Even if I did my best, it's still no good..."
"Even if you lost, you did well, okay?"
Words give water to the various seeds i received in my heart.

After the long winter, a dream blooms in the short spring.
Among the seeds that collect in the heart,
which will get light to grow?
In the shadow of the sidewalk blooms a flower,
For who is it there for?
But whoever it's for, it will shine and it will shine on you.

Thoughts change to words, Words calls out the light,
Light makes shadows, people become stronger because of the shadows.
Strength changes to kindness, Kindness calls out the meeting
The meeting makes the path, and on this path, thoughts are engraved.

If the hour hand stops, then the minute hand will stop.
Things that are shared through the same pain
Before you know it, they'll turn into joy.

Everyone has one person, one moment, one second, one chance where they can't turn
back time
Without living life hesitatingly, searching for those kinds of meetings
Alone, once, one moment, one second, one chance.
I'm glad we finally met.

Ah..kalo Kobukuro emang the best laah kalo urusan lagu-lagu yang mendayu-dayu. Hampir semu lagunya membuat gue ngawang-ngawang. haha

semua yang ada di sini sudah ditranslatekan. Bahasa aslinya adalah bahasa Jepang.
credit translations to

Now playing on Winamp: コブクロ - STAY
via FoxyTunes


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